Finally – Hope
At Last!!
My last post related to how long it had been since we lost
Joshua and how I didn’t feel like I had really made it through the experience
of having lost a son to suicide. It is
with a great sense of relief and gratitude that I finally can say that I feel
like life (at least for me) is mostly back to normal. I still have this place in my heart where
pain dwells and where, if I am not careful, I can be swallowed up by what might
have been and what should have been or what could happen. This latest change in my life occurred in
early May – just a few days short of 3 years and 10 months from the date of our
son’s suicide. I had one of those
feelings come to me like I used to get – that all was right in the way my life
was moving at the moment. The feeling
that things were going as they should be and that life was moving forward on a
track that is right for me. It was one
of those feelings that you want to enjoy when it comes. It came twice – two days in a row - I think as confirmation.
It was a long struggle to find the faith necessary to trust
in a loving God to put things right and to have faith in His plan for us. Once you gain faith then you can have
hope. I have worn a t-shirt as a pajama
top for almost 4 years that says simply “Peace”. That is what I have sought for the last four
years – peace. Peace in my soul that all
is well and that my life and my son’s are moving forward as best we can. That peace coupled with hope and joy is the
feeling that has finally arrived!
This feeling should certainly not be confused with a feeling
that I was (or am) doing everything right – that was definitely not the feeling
I received! Frankly it has been a long
time since I had one of those feelings that all was right with my world. I have had them at various points in my life
and when you have them it is a wonderful thing.
Part of it is knowing you are moving forward in accordance with what
should be happening in your life. It had
been some time before Joshua’s decision since I had one that I can
remember. Since then it has been mostly
a long stretch of trying to work through the feelings of loss and trying to
endure until I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I kept hoping that when the light came it wouldn’t
be another freight train running me down and leaving me wounded and broken
along the track.
One of the things that helped me take this latest step toward
healing was a discussion with a dear friend who had lost his daughter in a
motorcycle accident a few years before we lost Joshua. He explained how he had finally come to the
conclusion that, as a father, we feel like we are supposed to be in charge of
protecting our families but in reality we have no control over what happens to
them – at least in the major things that happen. We can guide them, counsel them, and pray for
them but they get to make their own choices – as do others that can have a huge
impact in our lives and in the lives of those we love. We only get to make choices for ourselves. We don’t have any control over others
decisions – we just get to experience the ride in the car with someone else
driving or perhaps on the roller coaster without any control of what is coming
next or when to get on or off. Thus we
are supposed to protect our children from harm but, in reality, are often
unable to do so.
In my experience when we come face to face with this fact it
instills fear in the deepest part of our souls – we understand that we are in
reality powerless to protect those we love.
We are supposed to train and protect our families but in reality while
we can train them, we have very little power to protect them from the
consequences of their decisions, the decisions of others, and from accidents.
In reality it is the same with our Heavenly Father – He put
us here and gave us our agency. We can
choose the good or the bad and we get to learn the consequences for our
choices. He has the same dilemma. He gets to watch us do things that He knows
will bring us sorrow and heartache – or worse.
I suppose, now that I think about it, that He is in much the same
position as we are. He knows the
consequences better than we do but, because we have our agency – the ability to
choose what we will do – He has to watch and not intervene while we do stupid
things and hurtful things to ourselves and others.
We as His children have to learn to trust that a higher power
knows best and when bad things happen – like accidents or choices that bring
disastrous results both physically or spiritually – and that He knows how to
make it right. Our Heavenly Father has
provided a way for it to be OK through the Savior’s atonement for our sins and
bad choices. We have to accept that even
though we are nominally in charge, another in reality has all of our destinies
in His hands and that all things will work together for our good. This is the concept that freed my dear friend
from his bondage at losing his daughter and played a large part in my finally
accepting that another Father is in charge – one who really can protect us from
the things we fear in this life – loss of family members to death or sin. He has provided a path back to Him by
sacrificing His Son for us so that our mistakes and poor choices can be fixed
and forgotten if we will chose to do so.
In reality faith in our Heavenly Father and our Savior are the only way
to salvation and happiness in this life and the next.
It is only in exercising this faith that our Father who knows
all and loves us all equally has a plan for us that allows us to each learn the
lessons necessary for our growth and understanding in this life and in the
next. By accepting that this Higher
Power can make things right in the next life we can then accept what has
happened to our children or loved ones in this life and move on with our lives
here. Based on my experiences, if we
can’t accept this truth in this life and exercise our faith that He can fix it,
we will have an extremely hard time putting the fear and hurt behind us in this
life. There is a great deal to be grateful
for and I am grateful for the growth that has occurred in my life as a result
of the loss of Joshua from this life. I
am just as grateful for the knowledge that we will see our son in the next
I wrote a long poem about Joshua and my feelings at his loss
at about the deepest of the sorrow and at the depth of the deepest pit I ever
want to experience. I would note that he
was born in Mali, West Africa in a mud brick home to give the poem some
background. This poem was an expression
of the sorrow we were feeling as well as the hope and belief that someday we
would have our son in our arms again for one of those famous Freeman Hugs. It is also an expression of the joy we will
have when again we all meet on the other side of the veil that separates us
from him.
Oh Won’t That Day Be Just Like Heaven?
(Ode to a Son)
Oh Won’t That Day Be Just Like Heaven?
(Ode to a Son)
Josh was born there, in that dusty, lovely mud
brick home
Some thought it was just a mansion, others
though it just a dive.
In a land so far, far away, where mud and dirt
and sand,
Continue now as they did then, unfazed by time
or cares
Where the time has seemed to ponder, to stop and
simply stare
The people come, the people go, only the faces
Most without a small awareness, that a woeful
Tragedy, in human measures, came to others’
Only then and at that moment, having traveled
That it reaches oh so silent, inside our private
Then we finally take a notice - take the time to
Time, it stops its onward progress and only
space exists,
Space made empty by his distance, suddenly he
was gone.
As our hearts’ foundations crack, and with our
poor hearts quivering there,
It’s our own hearts that now a quaver – turning
here to mush
Our hearts now growing oh so faint – hoping it’s
not really happened
As our worlds collapse around us – we recoil –
shocked to the core
Just like a perfect mirror there - shattered by
a rock
We are left here to assemble, the pieces of our
Like the pieces of the mirror, shattered on the
One precious piece by precious piece - just one
piece at a time –
So slowly, slowly day by day - looking for the
Keeping all the precious moments, looking for
the past
But the pieces, precious pieces, some are now
held back
By the Master, in His wisdom, withholding from
our view,
Waiting for that future hour, on that distant
When our joy will be unmeasured, like it was
But for now - we only go on – going forth to
build anew
Another picture not so big, different from
Still, with a space for our loved ones, who have
gone before.
But wait – there’s a hole, there’s a void,
something always missing
Not forgotten or uncared for, only distant for a
while –
Then – the moment, only hoped for, by our
longing hearts,
When he stands there right before us, all arisen
and so joyous
And we get the hug we’ve hungered, given there
to us again!
Oh what joy, will then o’rwhelm us, even more
than before
When we see right there before us, that his
death should not distress us!
It is only for a moment – Death could not at
length defeat us,
But only scare in the chorus, not the body of
the song,
Only part us for a moment – not that long after
Death itself will be forgotten, when we pass
right through its door
In the joy that comes before us – on that
distant shore – how joyous!
All the pain and separation - will wash away
like sand before us,
It will seem but as an instant since we last
held him near
Perhaps that time – this little instant will be
as though a dream!
Won’t he then, there rush to greet us, to tell
us of his love?
With the love and hugs we’ve missed here, won’t
we have them there?
Won’t he then so gladly join us, and in joy
we’ll join in chorus
To make up for those moments when, we missed him
badly here?
Oh won’t that day be just like Heaven? Won’t we then forgive
All the times here when we missed him, that we
thought so long,
No sorrow then will be remembered – when we have
our son!
Oh won’t our tears then be the drier, won’t our
hearts be healed?
Won’t we be forever grateful to the One who
saved us here?
He who said “It won’t be easy, but follow to our
Father’s Home”
He who waits us as we do wait, for our own dear
son’s return?
Let us be forever grateful, for our Savior’s
And for our Father, Who in Heaven, loves us
every one!
He is still right up there waiting, awaiting OUR
We are still here - here a wand’ring, here upon
this sphere,
Where we spend - but a short moment, trying out
our wings,
Seeing if we’re really worthy, if our aim is
Here we are directing our course, drifting here
and there.
He stands ever watching o’r us mindful of our
But He guides us if we listen, give heed and
We make wrong turns, sometimes deadly, as we
wend our way.
He will always, always help us if we turn to
If we let Him, He’ll correct them, all those
things we didn’t say.
All those things that hurt another, caused them
pain and tears,
He can always still correct them and bring us
home again,
Into the arms of our Father, and our Brother
To a Mother who will give us, hugs that we
As all we ever really want’d, since we left that
We shall stand right there together, arm in arm
in arm,
Where the Saints shall all shout praises to
their Lord and King
Thanks for caring all about us, and correcting
all our err’rs,
With eternal understanding of how our hearts
would break
If we could not go back to Him, with our sons
and with our daughters,
To those blessed courts on High, where our
parents still will love us
Where our family there awaits us - and right
there - where we all belong.
19, 2008
Gary E. Freeman
Copyright 2008
Copyright 2008
It is my witness that the light can come back into our lives
– even after the loss of a child to suicide.
It is not the end. Life continues
for those who have gone on ahead of us and should for those of us left
behind. We should not despair for those
who have left us before we what we thought was their time. Our Heavenly Father who knows all of us
better than we know ourselves, laid out a plan for each of us – knowing how we
would each respond to the challenges we would face.
Our personal plan prepared for us in this life includes opportunities to grow that come as a result of great pain and sacrifice in our each of our lives. We are the children of a loving God who is concerned about each of us and has given us the exact challenges that we need in order to understand one another and learn kindness and love for others. The key to our happiness here and there will be learning to love one another and helping each other. When we get there we will not be asked if we completed all of the tasks on our list of things to do or how important or rich we were. We will be judged on our care for those around us, our kindness, and our love for others. Those will be the key things in our lives that need to be the most important in our lives here.
We need to rise to the occasion – reassess our faith and understand that while we have the responsibility for our families here, He who actually has the power to save us is in charge and we should have faith in Him and in His Son, Jesus Christ. If you would like to discuss our experiences in more detail please let us know. We would be happy to help you through this process as others have helped us.
Our personal plan prepared for us in this life includes opportunities to grow that come as a result of great pain and sacrifice in our each of our lives. We are the children of a loving God who is concerned about each of us and has given us the exact challenges that we need in order to understand one another and learn kindness and love for others. The key to our happiness here and there will be learning to love one another and helping each other. When we get there we will not be asked if we completed all of the tasks on our list of things to do or how important or rich we were. We will be judged on our care for those around us, our kindness, and our love for others. Those will be the key things in our lives that need to be the most important in our lives here.
We need to rise to the occasion – reassess our faith and understand that while we have the responsibility for our families here, He who actually has the power to save us is in charge and we should have faith in Him and in His Son, Jesus Christ. If you would like to discuss our experiences in more detail please let us know. We would be happy to help you through this process as others have helped us.