Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What Determines Life?

"...Life is not determined by the changes within us that make our presence possible, but rather by the changes made possible by our presence..." 

-Granite Waterfall-

These words come from a young adult that I spent some time with over the summer. Though often quiet he spoke from the heart and had a gift for expression through in word. He wrote some beautiful things, one of which I wish to share with you today. As he contemplated his life during a free write he engaged in he wrote the words that follow hereafter. There is much in these words which can be taken and applied directly into our lives. I now leave these words with you for your contemplation and consideration in your own journey.

"These hills are alive. They do not breathe, they do not move, they do not speak, yet they are alive. How does one know this? How does one determine that which lives from that which does not live? I have met people of ripe old age who've said they've only started living the day before. Before today this puzzled me - now I could laugh at how blind I've been. Life is not determined by the changes within us that make our presence possible, but rather by the changes made possible by our presence. In being here, I have been changed... In this, the hills and rocks around me have shown themselves to live. From this day forward, one of the deepest desires of my heart, is to live as such - to effect change in others, rather than observing them. For to be passive is to be dead, and I have had quite enough of death for this lifetime."

-Granite Waterfall-